Brookforge swimming pool engineers
green energy saving pool products

Solar pool heating systems

Solar Heated Swimming PoolA solar heating system for your pool is an economical alternative to conventional heaters.

Solar collectors capture free energy from the sun and use it to heat your pool. They can extend your swimming season and reduce monthly fuel bills, without depleting non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels.

In fact, solar pool heating for your home is one of the most economical solar applications in use today.

Because of our climate, many UK consumers are sceptical that there is enough sunlight to support a solar pool heater. In fact, there is more than enough solar energy for pool owners to heat their pools without a back-up heater from May through September.

The chart below shows what daytime temperatures a solar heater can provide for an in-ground pool in Stockholm, Sweden during the swimming season. Texsuns X-Flow System will have no difficulty keeping a pool well above the desired temperature.

solar heating chart

Five good reasons for using solar heating


Green energy saving swimming pool productNo. 1: Solar saves on pool heating costs

In the last two years, the price of natural gas and Oil has more than doubled. On the other hand, the sun's energy is free.

Over a 15-year period, you could spend 10 times or more on heating with oil what you would spend on installing a solar heater today. Once your solar system is installed there are no more heating bills to pay.

Many pool owners switch to solar because it meets all of their heating needs. But even if you continue to use a gas or electric heater as a backup, solar is a smart investment that will save you money, year after year.

No. 2: Solar extends your swimming season

Whether or not you have an existing heater, you can keep your pool warmer and open longer with free energy from the sun.

In most areas of the UK a solar heater used in combination with a solar pool cover can add two to four weeks to the beginning and end of the swimming season. You get a longer swimming season for free.

Solar Panel Detail

No. 3: Solar equipment is durable

Solar equipment often lasts longer than gas or electric heaters. With proper yearly maintenance, you can expect fuel heaters to last seven to 10 years. Most gas heaters have a two-year warranty, and well-made heat pumps carry a two-year warranty with five-year warranty on the compressors. Texsun Solar panels have a minimum 10-year warranty and generally last 15 to 20 years or longer.

No. 4: Solar requires less maintenance

Unlike gas and electric heaters, which should be serviced by a technician every year, a Texsun X-Flow solar heater requires very little servicing. Again, that means less cost and less hassle for the pool owner.

No. 5: Solar energy is good for the environment

These days we hear a lot about the damaging effect that burning fossil fuels and the effect of CO2 emissions is having on the environment. Everyone is aware of the need to reduce their Carbon Footprint

Burning fuels also releases carbon dioxide, the main cause of climate change. Replacing a natural gas or propane heater with a solar heater could stop 3-5 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each season. That's about the same amount produced by operating your car for one year!

How does a solar heater work?

Solar heated pool systemA solar pool heater is simple to operate and doesn't change the way you operate standard pool equipment.

Solar collectors are usually mounted on the roof of your home or another structure such as a shed or a garage. This is the least expensive option and doesn't take up extra space on the property. When suitable roof space is not available, collectors can be ground-mounted on a rack.

The existing pool pump is used to circulate water from the pool through the solar collectors and back to the pool. On sunny days, an automatic controller diverts the water to the roof.

What Size Solar Heater Do I Need?

Since a pool loses most of its heat from the surface, the size of a solar heater can be based on the pool’s surface area.

Most pools need a solar heating system that is 50 percent to 75 percent of the pool area. For example, a 5m by 10m (16-ft. by 32-ft.) in-ground pool has an area of 50m2 (512-sq. ft.). It would typically need between 25-m2 (256-sq. ft.) and 37.5-m2 (384-sq. ft.) of solar collectors to adequately heat it. This could be obtained by using Texsuns 4.5M Large System (27m2)
If solar is the only heating source and a solar cover is routinely used, as a general rule the collector area is typically at least 50 percent of the surface area of the pool.

In some cases, pool owners may choose to install a smaller solar area. If they want a shorter swimming season or plan to use a backup gas or electric heater, a smaller collector area will be capable of providing most of the pool heating during the peak swimming months. Those using a fuel heater will find that a complementary solar heater makes economic sense because of the savings in fuel. And, smaller systems can usually be enlarged, if required, in the future.

The exact area of a collector will depend on the amount of shading on the pool surface, the roof orientation and tilt, the use of a pool cover and the desired temperature. Other considerations include the wind speed on the pool surface and solar collectors, any shading on the solar collectors and the length of swimming season.

A solar heating installer will combine the following design factors with their knowledge of the regional climate and the pool owner’s particular operating needs to develop an appropriately sized solar heating system.

Contact Brookforge to discuss your swimming pool solar heating requirements